Unraveling the Mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch: What’s Really Happening?

Skinwalker Ranch is a property located in Uintah County, Utah that has been the subject of numerous reports of paranormal and unexplained phenomena over the years. The ranch first gained widespread attention in the early 2000s following the publication of the book “Hunt for the Skinwalker” by journalist George Knapp and researcher Colm Kelleher.

According to accounts, the ranch has been the site of a wide range of strange occurrences, including the appearance of unidentified flying objects, unexplained animal mutilations, teleportation-like events, and other bizarre occurrences. Some have speculated that the ranch may be a window or “portal” to another dimension or plane of existence.

However, the precise nature and causes of the phenomena observed at Skinwalker Ranch remain highly controversial and uncertain. Scientific investigations have been limited, and many of the reports rely on anecdotal evidence and eyewitness testimony, which can be unreliable. Some skeptics have attributed the events to hoaxes, misidentifications, or natural but poorly understood environmental factors.

Ultimately, Skinwalker Ranch continues to be a source of intense fascination and speculation, but the full truth behind the strange occurrences there remains elusive. Further rigorous scientific study would be needed to shed more light on the nature and origins of the paranormal activity reported on the ranch.

What’s Really Going on at Skinwalker Ranch?

There are plenty of theories as to what’s going on over at Skin Ranch, and — you guessed it — some of them are pretty out there. But something’s definitely going on, so what’s the harm in venturing a guess?

Theory 1: People Are Lying to Get Money

Subscribers to this theory were likely the same people who raised their hand at the end of class and reminded the teacher that they had homework due. It’s not a fun theory at all, and so it shouldn’t even be considered. 

Theory 2: Extraterrestrial Visitors

Unsurprisingly, this is one of the most popular theories about the anomalies at Skin Ranch. It would certainly explain a lot of things, like the bright lights, flying objects, strange voices, electrical disturbances and cattle mutilated with scientific precision. But why would our flying friends be so secretive? Maybe they’re filming a docuseries of their own. 

Theory 3: Interdimensional Visitors

It’s just like Theory #2, but with sort of a “Marvel Cinematic Universe” twist. Rather than believing that UFOs arrived from another planet, subscribers to this theory believe that they arrived from a parallel dimension or universe. Sounds crazy, but this would certainly explain why the lights in the sky sometimes appear to look like portals. And any kind of interdimensional gateway would be bound to cause some anomalies nearby, right? 

Theory 4: Geophysical Processes Causing the Brain to Hallucinate

Hold onto your brain-protecting tin foil hats for this one, cause it’s a doozy. Developed by neuroscientist Michael Persinger, this theory posits that geophysical forces like tectonic shifts, seismic activity, geomagnetic fields and others may affect the part of the brain involved with creating hallucinations. Under this reasoning, everything people experience at Skinwalker is a result of increased seismic activity in the area. So those shapeshifters, UFOs and portals are all just a result of the witnesses’ brains going haywire on account of the imperceptible change to the local environment. It’s all pretty out-there, but this theory has the biggest words in it, so that makes it the most likely. 

History of Skinwalker Ranch

The history of Skinwalker Ranch, previously known as Sherman Ranch, dates back to the late 20th century. In 1994–1996, Terry and Gwen Sherman owned the 512-acre property located southeast of Ballard, Utah, bordering the Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation. During their ownership, the ranch gained notoriety due to the family’s claims of experiencing inexplicable and frightening events after they occupied the property.

The Utes and the Navajo

The Skin Ranch is situated in close proximity to the Ute Tribe’s territory, and the Ute people have long held beliefs about the presence of negative forces associated with certain waterways and springs in the region. According to historian Sondra Jones, author of “Being and Becoming Ute,” the Utes believed that “evil spirits or evil sprites” could emerge from these water sources and pose a threat.

While the concept of “skinwalkers” is primarily associated with Navajo legends concerning vengeful shamans, the ranch’s location was historically closer to Ute territory than Navajo Nation. The relationship between the Utes and the Navajo was often acrimonious, with the Navajo being more aggressive and even taking Ute slaves during conflicts over territory.

The Shermans

In 1996, the ranch gained widespread attention when investigative journalist George Knapp published a series of articles in the Las Vegas Mercury, detailing the Sherman family’s claims of witnessing various paranormal occurrences on the property. These included sightings of unidentified flying objects, mutilated cattle, and encounters with bizarre creatures that seemed impervious to bullets.

The stories of strange lights, unusual impressions in the grass and soil, and other unexplained events convinced Robert Bigelow, founder of the National Institute for Discovery Science, to purchase the ranch for $200,000 in 1996. Bigelow’s interest stemmed from the ranch’s purported 50-year history of odd events, which had become part of the local folklore surrounding cattle mutilations in the area.

Notable Owners and Events

Robert Bigelow and NIDSci

In 1995, real estate mogul Robert Bigelow founded the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDSci), a privately funded research organization based in Las Vegas, Nevada. Driven by his fascination with the paranormal and the question of whether we are alone in the universe, Bigelow set up NIDSci to advance the study of fringe science and ufology.

In 1996, NIDSci acquired Skin Ranch, then known as Sherman Ranch, for $200,000 after journalist George Knapp first reported on the property’s history of unexplained phenomena. Colm Kelleher, NIDSci’s Deputy Administrator, spearheaded the investigation into the ranch’s enigmatic occurrences, including sightings of UFOs, bizarre creatures, crop circles, and poltergeist activity reported by previous owners Terry and Gwen Sherman.

Kelleher and Knapp’s 2005 book, “Hunt for the Skinwalker,” detailed NIDSci’s efforts to study the ranch’s paranormal events. The book caught the attention of Defense Intelligence Agency official James Lacatski, who visited the ranch and experienced supernatural occurrences himself. Lacatski’s account prompted Bigelow’s friend, Senator Harry Reid, and Senator Ted Stevens, a UFO experiencer, to allocate $22 million in the Department of Defense budget to investigate unidentified aerial phenomena.

In 1996, skeptic James Randi awarded Bigelow a tongue-in-cheek Pigasus Award for funding the ranch’s purchase and supporting investigations into supernatural claims. Bigelow closed NIDSci in 2004 but continued his research through Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Space Studies, which worked secretly with the Pentagon on its UFO program.

Brandon Fugal and the History Channel

In 2016, Bigelow sold Skinwalker Ranch to Adamantium Real Estate LLC for around $500,000. The new owners implemented strict security measures, blocking roads, installing cameras, and posting warning signs to prevent trespassers.

In March 2020, real estate developer and tech investor Brandon Fugal announced his ownership of the ranch. Fugal, fascinated by the mysteries of the universe from an early age, acquired the property to investigate and study the strange phenomena reported there for over two centuries.

The HISTORY Channel’s popular series “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” follows Fugal and his team, led by principal investigator Erik Bard and astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor, as they conduct advanced technological, drilling, and digging operations on the 512-acre property. Their findings have left them stunned, suggesting they may be dealing with something not of this world and potentially related to other phenomena encountered on the ranch.

In 2022, Fugal announced a partnership with the Hutchings Museum Institute in Lehi, Utah, aimed at better understanding the environment and historical significance of Skinwalker Ranch.

Current Research and Findings

Under the ownership of Brandon Fugal, Skinwalker Ranch has become a hub of ongoing research and investigation into the unexplained phenomena reported on the property. The HISTORY Channel’s series “The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch” follows Fugal’s team as they conduct advanced technological, drilling, and digging operations on the 512-acre site.

Investigating Anomalies and Phenomena

The team, led by principal investigator Erik Bard and astrophysicist Dr. Travis Taylor, has documented various anomalies and phenomena, including:

  1. Vanishing objects and strange rock carvings, potentially indicating evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence.
  2. Mutilated cattle and other inexplicable animal occurrences.
  3. Sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and strange aerial objects.
  4. Electromagnetic disturbances and interference with electronic equipment.

Advanced Research Techniques

To unravel the mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch, the team employs cutting-edge research techniques and equipment, such as:

  1. High-powered lasers and rockets to capture evidence of hovering anomalies.
  2. Aerial investigations using helicopters and drones.
  3. Geophysical surveys and drilling operations to explore underground structures and anomalies.
  4. Collaboration with experts from various fields, including rabbis for ancient rituals and military investigators for their findings.

Significant Discoveries

Some of the notable discoveries and findings made by the team include:

  1. Evidence of a sprawling subterranean cave system beneath the ranch.
  2. Highly conductive soil on the property, leading to experiments to stimulate reactions.
  3. Aerial phenomena provoked by rocket launches in specific areas of the ranch.
  4. Unseen forces stalking the team during aerial investigations.
  5. Visual evidence suggesting the existence of portals or wormholes on the ranch.

Ongoing Investigations

The team’s investigations continue to uncover new and perplexing phenomena, prompting further exploration and analysis. Ex-CIA agent Andy Bustamante and investigative journalist Paul Beban have joined the efforts, expanding the research beyond the ranch’s borders to investigate other areas of high strangeness.

As the team delves deeper into the mysteries of Skin Ranch, they remain determined to uncover the truth behind the unexplained occurrences, no matter how bizarre or unsettling the findings may be.

Theories Behind the Phenomena of Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

Theory 1: People Are Lying to Get Money

One theory suggests that the reports of paranormal occurrences at Skinwalker Ranch are fabricated for financial gain. Proponents of this theory argue that the witnesses, including the Sherman family and subsequent investigators, may have embellished or outright lied about their experiences to attract attention, generate publicity, or profit from the ranch’s notoriety. However, this theory is often dismissed due to the sheer volume and consistency of accounts from various individuals over several decades, making it unlikely that such an elaborate hoax could be sustained for such an extended period.

Theory 2: Extraterrestrial Visitors

A widely popular theory posits that the strange phenomena witnessed at Skinwalker Ranch are manifestations of extraterrestrial activity. This theory proposes that the ranch is a site of interest for alien beings, possibly due to its unique geological or energetic properties. Unexplained aerial phenomena, strange lights, and alleged sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are cited as evidence supporting this theory. Additionally, the precise nature of some reported events, such as the mutilation of cattle with surgical precision, is believed by some to be indicative of advanced extraterrestrial technology.

Theory 3: Interdimensional Visitors

Similar to the extraterrestrial visitor theory, the interdimensional visitor theory suggests that the entities responsible for the Skinwalker Ranch phenomena originate from a parallel dimension or universe. This theory attempts to explain the seemingly impossible nature of some reported occurrences, such as the appearance of portals or wormholes. Proponents argue that interdimensional beings may be able to manipulate space-time in ways that defy our current understanding of physics, leading to the manifestation of bizarre phenomena on the ranch.

Theory 4: Geophysical Processes Causing the Brain to Hallucinate

Developed by neuroscientist Michael Persinger, this theory proposes that the strange experiences reported at Skin Ranch are not objective phenomena but rather hallucinations induced by geophysical processes. According to this theory, factors such as tectonic shifts, seismic activity, and geomagnetic fields may affect the brain’s temporal lobe, which is involved in the perception of sensory input and the creation of hallucinations. Under this hypothesis, the witnesses’ brains are essentially tricked into perceiving paranormal events due to imperceptible changes in the local environment, resulting in shared hallucinations among those present on the ranch.

While these theories offer potential explanations for the Skinwalker Ranch phenomena, the true nature of the occurrences remains a mystery. As investigations continue, researchers hope to uncover more evidence that may shed light on the underlying causes and provide a definitive answer to the enigma that has captivated the public’s imagination for decades.


The phenomena reported at Skinwalker Ranch have perplexed investigators for decades, with a myriad of theories attempting to explain the unexplained occurrences. From extraterrestrial visitors to interdimensional beings, and from hoaxes to hallucination-inducing geophysical processes, the enigma surrounding the ranch has fueled intense speculation and ongoing research efforts. While the true nature of these events remains elusive, the tenacity of researchers and the public’s fascination with the unknown continue to drive the pursuit of answers.

Ultimately, the mysteries of Skinwalker Ranch serve as a reminder of the vast unknowns that exist beyond our current understanding. As investigations progress with advanced techniques and open-minded approaches, the potential for groundbreaking discoveries looms, offering the tantalizing possibility of unveiling the truth behind one of the world’s most enigmatic locations. Whether the answers lie in the realms of science or the paranormal, the ranch’s enduring allure ensures that the quest to unravel its secrets will persist, captivating the imagination of generations to come.
