Israel Attacks: A Sign of Biblical Prophecy?
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Israel Attacks: A Sign of Biblical Prophecy?

I was stunned to see the headline "Israel Is at War" on Saturday morning. It's been nearly 50 years since Israel's last official war, the Yom Kippur War of 1973, when Egypt, Syria, and others attacked. But this conflict is different.

08/05/2024 17:47
Israel Attacks: A Sign of Biblical Prophecy?



Hamas launched thousands of rockets at Israel from various directions, while their fighters invaded by land, sea, and air. Hundreds have been killed and kidnapped, using tactics reminiscent of ISIS: targeting women and children, firing rockets indiscriminately at civilian areas, and infiltrating cities and settlements near Gaza.

They went house to house, seeking the young and old. They took hostages, including elderly women, young children, and even Holocaust survivors. The death toll, which will sadly rise, stands at 1,300 with 2,000 injured. This unprecedented attack led Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to declare, “We are at war.”

Israel’s Foes

A dramatic and iconic depiction of the biblical.

Who is Hamas? They’re an Iran-funded terrorist group. That’s no secret.

According to the Wall Street Journal, an Iranian spokesperson told the BBC that the terrorist group received funding for the attack.

Iran has long stated its goal to destroy Israel. They’ve hinted at developing nuclear weapons and have threatened to “wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.”

An Iranian leader once said, “They ask, ‘Can we see a world without America and Zionism?’ But you should know this slogan and goal are achievable. The regime occupying Jerusalem must be erased from the map.”

It’s interesting how Jerusalem always comes up. The Bible predicted thousands of years ago that last days prophecies would center on Jerusalem. Not New York. Not London. Not Beijing. Not Tokyo.

This small city in a tiny strip of land will play a crucial role in end times events. It’s the focus of last days prophecies. It’s remarkable when you consider Zechariah 12:3-4: “On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves” (NIV).

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Ironically, the Biden administration recently gave Iran six billion dollars. It’s unwise to give money to a nation known for sponsoring global terrorism.

But here’s where those studying Bible prophecy should take note. The Bible tells us that in the end times, Israel would be scattered and regathered. This has happened, setting the prophetic clock in motion.

After the Holocaust, who would have thought these Jewish people, having lost six million to the Nazis, would regroup in their homeland? Yet, against all odds, on May 14, 1948, Israel became a nation. The United States was the first to recognize this, which I’m proud of.

The Bible says that after Israel’s regathering, she would face attacks. Ezekiel 37 and 38 speak of Israel’s regathering and then a large force from the north attacking her. This force is called Magog. While we can’t be absolutely certain, many Bible scholars and prophecy experts believe this refers to modern-day Russia. It’s a plausible theory. Look at a Middle East map, and you’ll see Russia north of Israel. Why would Russia invade Israel? The Bible mentions that one of Magog’s allies in this attack will be Persia.

Persia is the old name for modern Iran. So, the Bible predicted centuries ago that after Israel’s regathering, a large northern force would attack her, joined by Iran or Persia.

For 2,500 years, Russia never allied militarily with Persia (Iran), but they’ve recently formed a special bond. Russia has made billion-dollar deals to sell missiles to Iran, and Iran has supplied Russia with armed drones for the Ukraine war.

These developments align with last days prophecies, suggesting we may be closer to the fulfillment of end times events than we realize. As believers, we should stay informed, pray for peace, and be ready for whatever comes next in God’s prophetic timeline.

While we can’t predict the future with certainty, we can trust in God’s sovereignty and His ultimate plan for redemption. As these events unfold, let’s remember to share the hope we have in Christ with those around us, for in times of uncertainty, His love remains constant.

Bible Prophecy Unfolding Before Us

Dramatic detailed illustration of a biblical.

How can we halt such events? Consider this scenario: If Israel were to strike Iran for funding these attacks, what might unfold? It could trigger a conflict reminiscent of Ezekiel 38. Scripture describes Magog being drawn in reluctantly, with “hooks in its jaws,” alongside its ally Persia (modern-day Iran).

While I’m not claiming this exact scenario will occur, imagine waking up to headlines declaring “Russia Attacks Israel.” That would signal the fulfillment of last days prophecies right before our eyes.

In light of these events, Christians should focus on two key actions:

First, heed Jesus’ words: “When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28 NKJV). We must anticipate Christ’s imminent return.

Second, we must pray. Scripture instructs us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). Let’s pray for a peaceful resolution, an end to this horrific terrorism, the safe return of hostages, and God’s protection over Israel during this unprecedented conflict.

As we witness these events unfolding, it’s crucial to stay informed about last days prophecies. The Bible has long foretold that end-times events would center around Jerusalem. This small city in a tiny strip of land plays a pivotal role in God’s prophetic timeline.

While we can’t predict the future with absolute certainty, we can observe how current events align with biblical prophecies. The regathering of Israel, the formation of alliances between nations mentioned in Scripture, and the increasing focus on Jerusalem all point to the potential fulfillment of end-times predictions.

As believers, our role is to remain vigilant, prayerful, and ready. We should view these events through the lens of Scripture, always seeking God’s wisdom and guidance. While the world may seem chaotic, we can find comfort in knowing that God’s plan is unfolding exactly as He foretold.

Let’s continue to study God’s Word, share the hope of Christ with others, and live each day with the expectation of His return. In these uncertain times, our faith in God’s sovereignty and His ultimate plan for redemption should be our anchor.

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