7 Habits destroying your Brain 🧠
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7 Habits destroying your Brain 🧠

Seven common daily habits that negatively affect brain health are discussed. It explains how these harmful behaviors slow down brain function, weaken memory and threaten mental health in the long term.

08/11/2024 22:04
7 Habits destroying your Brain 🧠



Not Exercising

Exercise improves memory by increasing the brain-derived neurotrophic factor. (Look it up!) This helps you form new synapses, improves learning, and boosts memory.

Not Getting Enough Sleep

Without quality sleep it’s harder to form and maintain pathways in your brain that let you learn and create new memories.

It’s also harder to concentrate and respond quickly.

Eating Inflammatory Foods

What you eat has a direct effect on your mind and mood.

A diet high in foods that are dried and/or processed can lead to chronic inflammation. This can cause memory loss, confusion, depression, poor mood regulation, and even neurological diseases.

Having a Big Belly

High body fat has been associated with a decline in gray matter, which enables us to control movement, memory, and emotions.

Not Learning New Things

The brain is like a muscle. It grows and shrinks based on its level of activity and use.

Learning new skills stimulates neurons and forms new pathways that allow electrical impulses to travel faster.

If you’re not learning new things or skills you’re letting your brain atrophy.

Watching Pornography

Watching porn hijacks the brain reward system and overwhelms it with cheap hits of dopamine. The result is the brain physically deteriorates in size, shape, and chemical balance.(please avoid it,you still have time)

Spending Too Much Time Indoors

This deprives you from getting exposure to sunlight.

Without enough sun exposure your circadian rhythm gets affected and your serotonin levels can dip. This can lead to seasonal affective disorder and depression.

How to Build a Healthy Brain

1) Exercise regularly.

2) Get quality sleep.

3) Eat nutrient dense foods.

4) Maintain a healthy BMI.

5) Keep learning new things.

6) Stop watching porn.

7) Spend more time outside or with nature.

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